Our Learning

Phonics and Early Reading

Read, Write, Inc.

The Read, Write, Inc programme is used to teach reading and writing in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.

When pupils first enter Reception, Speed Sound lessons are taught each morning to expose children to Set 1 single letter sounds. Pupils are then assessed and grouped according to their reading and writing ability. Pupils then complete Read, Write, Inc lessons every morning for one hour and groups are revised each half term guided by assessments.

In Year 1, pupils are assessed and grouped according to their reading and writing ability, with half termly assessments being taken to ensure children are grouped accurately so that all pupils continue to progress. Practice Phonics Screening takes place each half term, to inform teachers of gaps in pupils’ sound knowledge so that children can receive extra small group support. These Practice Screening checks also help prepare pupils for the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check at the end of the year.

In Year 2, pupils continue to have daily Read, Write, Inc lessons for one hour, until they are assessed as no longer requiring the Read, Write, Inc programme. Children then attend Reading and English lessons, where they continue their reading and writing journeys. Those pupils that do not pass the Phonics Screening Check in Year 1, continue to receive small group support, and are re-tested using the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check at the end of Year 2.



Read, Write, Inc assessments are carried out regularly which allow pupils to be grouped according to their reading and writing ability. As soon as children can orally blend, books are sent home so that pupils can practise blending CVC words, using the sounds they have already learnt in school. After pupils have learnt to blend independently, they are grouped by a colour which represents a different reading level. To ensure pupils are moved through the coloured reading levels frequently, assessments take place every half term.

During early stages of their reading, pupils will learn to read a ‘Ditty’ or a short Red story in a daily Read, Write, Inc lesson and this will be sent home for children to read at home. Children will also bring home a ‘Book Bag Book’ which challenges them to use the sounds they know to read an unfamiliar book. Pupils read Green, Purple, Pink and Orange books over the course of three days in Read, Write, Inc lessons before this is sent home along with a ‘Book Bag Book’ for challenge. Yellow, Blue and Grey books are explored for five days, before they are sent home. When children are learning to read their books, they are taught to decode all of the words in the story, read with expression and understand what they have read. Pupils also complete various reading and writing activities linked to each book which allows them to develop their inference and comprehension skills.

Alongside decodable Read, Write, Inc books being sent home, pupils will bring home a ‘Reading for Pleasure’ book to share at home with you. Pupils also visit the school Library on a weekly basis where they can take out a book to read at home.