Our Learning
More Able
Provision for More Able Pupils
At Rush Common School, we are committed to promoting excellence for all pupils and we provide a range of challenging learning opportunities that will enable all, included those with exceptional abilities, to reach their potential.
We aim to identify pupils who are, or have the potential to be, particularly able in one or more curriculum areas and provide them with opportunities to extend their learning through our rich curriculum and high quality teaching.
The names of pupils identified as being more able will be recorded on a register. The register will be maintained for the purposes of identifying pupils for curriculum opportunities, for staff information, and for monitoring purposes. The register will be reviewed at assessment points during the year. Parents will be informed if their child has been entered onto the register via a letter from the More Able coordinator.
We believe that the most effective way to meet the needs of all learners is to offer them appropriate support and challenge in the classroom through high quality teaching. Sometimes, in addition to this, More Able pupils will be invited to participate in extra-curricular activities and competitions.