Information for Parents
In addition to the required school uniform (as per the school Uniform Policy), your child will need a book bag, a PE bag and a water bottle. For outdoor play children will also need a pair of waterproof trousers and a pair of wellingtons. Please ensure there is a loop in the trousers so that they can be hung in the storage area and write the name clearly on the loop so that your child can read it. Please ensure your child wears practical warm clothing for winter and has a lightweight raincoat and hat for summer. This will ensure that your child is kept warm and dry as they play and learn outside in all weathers. Please ensure that all clothing is clearly labelled.
Uniform can be purchased directly from the school office or ordered online from the link below:
Brigade UK Online Uniform Ordering:
The school’s PTA “Friends of Rush Common (FoRC)” run a second hand uniform shop selling good quality second hand items. Donations of uniform can be dropped off at our drop-off point by the front gate. Details of what is available and how to purchase can be found here:
If you would like to purchase name labels from Stikins, FoRC receive 30% commission when parents purchase through this link with the school’s code 9265.